Work experience
Sep 2023 - present
Axis Communications
Experienced Software Engineer
At Axis I joined a team that works with body warn solutions.
Sep 2020 - Sep 2023
System Developer
In my role at Twingly, I had the unique opportunity to contribute to multiple areas due to our smaller team size. I take on a range of responsibilities, including ensuring the smooth operation of our systems, developing new features for both our customers and internal tooling, and actively participating in research and development efforts. By collaborating with the team, I take an active role in determining our future steps and direction.
Apr 2019 - Apr 2019
Linköpings Universitet
Course Assistant
I worked as an assistant to the teacher during labs in courses that leaned towards embedded programming. These labs were very low level since all assignments required students to write their code in assembly. Both the labs and the course in general were really great, as they provided a better sense of respect for the computer and a deeper understanding of how applications function in everyday life.
Sep 2017 - Jun 2020
Linköpings Universitet
Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering
Having discovered my passion for Computer Science during my enjoyable high school courses, I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in this field. To achieve this goal, I made the decision to attend university. After conducting thorough research and receiving a recommendation from a close friend, I chose to enroll at Linköping University. This educational journey was both exhilarating and challenging, as university studies proved to be more demanding than anything I had encountered before. However, this experience toughened me and equipped me with the necessary skills to become a competent employee, or so I believe.
Sep 2019 - Dec 2019
University of Limerick
Computer Engineering
In 2019, I participated in an Erasmus exchange program in Ireland. As part of the program, I had the opportunity to study at the University of Limerick. I spent three months living in Ireland on my own, and it turned out to be an incredibly enjoyable and transformative experience.